
Taiko T-shirts

Odaiko New England logo t-shirts in black with a purple ONE logo
Color: purple printing on black shirt
Size: please inquire
Price: $25 each plus $3 shipping/handlingTo order, please email or phone 781-938-DRUM (3786).


Odaiko New Engand’s ONEsie.
Color: purple printing on white
Size: please inquire
Price: $25 each plus $3 shipping/handlingTo order, please email or phone 781-938-DRUM (3786).

Taiko DVDs (Out Of Stock)

Crossroads taiko DVD

Odaiko New England’s DVD CROSSROADS

Prepare to be blown away by an all-out, thunderous celebration of taiko drumming on Odaiko New England’s exciting DVD! CROSSROADS features the best of the 2006 group’s repertoire, including “Ring” and “Jyujiro,” and the propulsive “Hachijo/Yatai Bayashi” medley.

Accompanied by internationally renowned flutist, Marco Lienhard, Odaiko New Egnland’s musical artistry, dramatic choreography, and infectious energy bring audiences to their feet in this live DVD recording. This performance will make you a life-long fan of the taiko drum and the dynamic art form inspired by its voice.

PURCHASING INFORMATION: $20 plus $2 shipping/handling (first class mail). To order, please email or phone 781-938-DRUM (3786).